Congress: Investigate Rupert Murdoch


                                                                Presented by:

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Rupert Murdoch and other News Corporation executives are at the center of a shocking British media scandal that involves spying, bribery, corruption, a corporate cover-up and even murder. 

And now there are reports that his company’s alleged criminal behavior – including the hacking of the phones of September 11 victims – has crossed the Atlantic. 

For too long, Murdoch has used his enormous media power to get what he wants from Washington and insulate himself and his company from official scrutiny. If he has broken the law, Murdoch needs to be held accountable. 

Already, Sens. Jay Rockefeller and Frank Lautenberg have called for an investigation of News Corp. Take action right now to urge your members of Congress to join them and demand an investigation.  

Sign the Petition

Dear Member of Congress,

Rupert Murdoch and other News Corporation executives are at the center of a shocking British media scandal that involves spying, bribery, corruption, a corporate cover-up and even murder.  

In addition to allegedly hacking the phones of a murder victim and public officials in Britain — and paying $160,000 in bribes to British police to bury an investigation into their behavior — company representatives reportedly tried to pay a New York City police officer to hack into the phone messages of the families and victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks.

News Corp. is an American company and should be held accountable to our laws. Given the seriousness of these allegations, please call for an immediate investigation into News Corp's activities in the US, and make Rupert Murdoch testify before Congress.

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