Congress: Hold Murdoch Accountable

A recent investigation in the U.K implicated Rupert Murdoch and senior News Corp. executives in a cover-up of “rampant law breaking” across the organization.
The investigation concluded that this global media empire is so corrupt that Murdoch is “not fit to run an international company” — and that he and his son James must now be made to answer for their reckless disregard for the law.
News Corp.’s corruption doesn’t end at British shores. Murdoch controls a huge swath of media in the U.S., including Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, cable networks and 27 local TV stations. Murdoch’s company has been charged with bribing government officials and hacking into phones and computers throughout its global operations.
Murdoch is not above the law. We need to place him and his colleagues under the lights and before the cameras in Congress.
Take action now. Sign this letter urging your member of Congress to hold Murdoch’s News Corp. accountable.