A terrible new service plan from MetroPCS — the fifth-largest mobile phone carrier — is the latest round in the phone industry’s war against Net
The company is limiting users' ability to access certain websites and services, unless they pay extra for the privilege. Under this new plan, customers will be charged extra to access Netflix and Skype, or certain websites using "advanced HTML" on their phones.
The FCC must enforce its new rules barring such behavior, before other carriers follow suit.
Sign our petition now and call on the FCC to investigate MetroPCS immediately.
Dear Federal Communications Commission,
Mobile phone carrier MetroPCS recently announced new pricing plans that force customers to pay extra to access Netflix, Skype or any
website using “advanced HTML” on their phones. If customers choose the cheapest data
option, they'll be denied access to all of these online services.
None of these plans restrict
access to YouTube, despite its
similar data volume and bandwidth usage.
Even worse, MetroPCS’s pricing scheme disproportionately affects people of color and
urban communities, whom the company recognizes as a major portion of its
customer base, and who largely depend on mobile phones to access the Internet.
This new pricing scheme blatantly violates the FCC's recently passed Net Neutrality rules. The FCC must enforce its new rules, and launch an investigation into these discriminatory practices before other phone carriers follow suit.